We are confident that our school provides the best course materials in the industry to help you pass the California Contractor License exam. Academy License Center guarantees our students to pass the California Contractors License Exam on the First attempt, or we will give you a partial refund in the amount of $60 that can be utilized to re-take the state exam. If you should fail on your 2nd attempt to pass the state exam, we will give you back the rest of your course purchase price (less the $60 previously refunded and shipping costs) for the [law and/or trade] part(s) that you failed. Please note: shipping fees are non-refundable. Application Processing fees are non-refundable once processing has been initiated.

In order to receive a refund, you must submit a copy of your Failure Notice(s) from the CSLB to: Academy License Center, PO Box 9853, San Bernardino, CA 92427. Eligibility for a refund is limited to 12 months from the date the course was purchased. Due to the time sensitivity of our course material, any refund requests dated more than 12 months after the course purchase date will be considered invalid and therefore non-refundable. The “Application Processing Service” expires 12 months from the date purchased. If the service is not utilized within 12 months, the applicant may reorder the service for $50 (this offer is available only by phone). Please contact us for more details.

As an alternative to a refund, we may have updated materials we can provide you with to assist you in your passing the state exam. This offer is only valid within 12 months of the course purchase date. Please contact us for more details.

For Contractor Trades: (A) General Engineering, (C-12) Earthwork & Paving, (C-34) Pipeline, and (C-42) Sanitation Systems, purchase of the Excavation and Grading Handbook is required for our pass guarantee to be in effect.  This is because it is a required part of the course.  It is included with our ‘A’, C-12, C-34 or C-42 contractors courses for a discount.